2021 News
Frinton Literary Festival
I was absolutely delighted to return to Frinton-on-Sea to host the Crime and Wine evening on Thursday night. My guests this year were S.J. Watson and Fiona Barton and we had a hugely appreciative audience in the McGrigor Hall.
First Monday Crime (on a Thursday!!)
This was, of course, supposed to happen on the Monday, but that was the night Facebook went down for hours on end, so we did it on Thursday instead. Panel members included myself, Inga Vesper, Mara Timon, and Tariq Ashkanani, and it was moderated by Jonathan Whitelaw. You can watch it here.
US Publication Day for The Dare
The Dare US Cover
I always get really excited when one of my books comes out in North America. Look at this beautiful blue jacket! One of these days, I might make it over there to celebrate in style!
Paperback Release of The Dare
It’s paperback publication day at last and I’m celebrating it at the Theakstons Old Peculiar Crime Festival in Harrogate! I’m really thrilled with this edition. There’s an extra Q&A section at the back, and joy of joy, the shops are open this time!
Locked-Up Festival 2
I really enjoyed taking part in this panel for the Locked-up Festival 2, organised by Two Crime Writers and a Microphone and in aid of The Trussell Trust.
Hardback Publication Day for The Dare
Today is the hardback publication day for my third novel, The Dare. I was hoping we might be out of lockdown by now, and that I’d be able to see it on sale in actual bookshops, but hopefully it won’t be long before the shops are open again. In the meantime, it’s been wonderful reading some of the reviews from early readers!
Granite Noir 2021 : Vengeful Hearts Panel
This was my first time appearing at the Granite Noir festival, and like everything else at the moment, it was online. Stina Jackson, Eva Björg Ægisdóttir and myself were interviewed by Alex Clark and had a really interesting discussion about revenge and the part it plays in our novels. It was a fantastic festival with lots of really interesting panels, all of them free and now available to watch on YouTube. You can see the Vengeful Hearts Panel if you click on the button below.